Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Light Box

Tonight I broke out my new photo light box for the first time because I just couldn't get a good photo of my Sonoma book on my little ole printer. I finally got the technique down on the last photo when Jay was telling me to hurry up because he had to get back to "doing stuff". See I don't have lights to go with it and I have to hold my day light lamps at just the right angle with the cord stretched to the max and some how take a picture too. It didn't happen on my own needless to say. Time to invest in some photo lights to make this easier on everyone in the house. Even Tucker came in to help out, thinking "cool, a new place to hang out!".

The last photo is the least cool page but the only decent photo to share so I'll at least give you a taste of the book. More pages will be coming later this week. I am making this from my Cupcake Scrapbook Shop Feb kit. I love this chipboard book it came with and am taking full advantage of the lovey dovey theme in here!

The second thing I wanted to share was a birthday card for my friend Jessica (that explains the J). I used my sticky letters for the first time and the new glitter stack. This glitter is super fine and shimmery, just beautiful. all it took was a little pour and the glitter was stuck. I do need to get over my fear of glitter. It really didn't go to bad but I'm just sure I'll have little bits of the glitter around my eyes and on the end of my nose for days. Oh well, I think it was worth it.


Sherrie said...

wow, what a difference that light box can make! I have been waffling on whether to get one shows off your lovely project so well!

Lizette said...

What a nice card. Your friend will love it !

Anonymous said...

You take great matter how many hands are needed to do so! You've made me add the sticky letters to my wish list.....that "J" is so cute all pinked up! Thanks for sharing!

Debbi said...

I guess I need to have a light box....I love the sparkle in the J. I'm sure your friend will love it too!